Learn English – specific word for “goes without being said”


I have encountered this problems quite often and usually got stuck trying to nail down what I want to say. English is not my native language so I wonder if any native speakers could explain this to me.

An example for this is when I say "I think this author is female because she says…" When I assume the author is female through details of the provided text, I have [the word that I am looking for that can substitute "goes without being said"] stereotyped those details as restrictive female or male.

Another example is when person A uses their hands to pick up food and person B sees that. B then asks A why. A says "I don't know. I think it is [the word]. People of my country do that without explanation."

Best Answer

I suggest the word implicit (implicitly, in the first example in the question):

  1. Suggested though not directly expressed: comments seen as implicit criticism of the policies


  1. (implicit in) Always to be found in; essentially connected with: the values implicit in the school ethos