Learn English – Synonym for e.g. “believe”, “think”, or “claim” but in a derogatory sense


I'm discussing with a friend a particular personality flaw. I want to posit that members of my generation may be more inclined to suffer from that flaw.

Certainly it's the arrogance of youth to think that my generation uniquely suffers from it – and I want to qualify my hypothesis by saying such.

Certainly it's the arrogance of youth to <verb> that we uniquely suffer from that flaw.

Now, I could just use "claim" in place of <verb>. "Claim" works: it carries a stronger implication that the notion could be wrong than either "think" or "believe" do.

But what's a word (or perhaps short phrase) that I could use to convey even more strongly that I have no illusions that my generation invented the flaw?

Best Answer

I'd suggest, charge.

: to assert as an accusation : charges that he distorted the data. M-W

: to make an accusation or assertion that OED

Certainly it's the arrogance of youth to charge that we uniquely suffer from that flaw.