Learn English – The difference beetween ‘nasty’ and ‘horrible’ or ‘terrible’


For the most situations adjectives 'horrible' and 'terrible' are synonyms. But I often come across with word 'nasty' with similar meaning like 'nasty cough', 'nasty smell'. Is there any difference or 'nasty' is the same like 'terrible' (or 'horrible')?

Best Answer

Rarely are synonyms considered 100% interchangable in all contexts. These three words can all mean bad or unpleasant, so there is going to be a lot of overlapping meaning between them.

If we were describing a cough, a smell, or a dirty floor, these words might be considered somewhat interchangable.

That said, if you were asking me about a film that I thought had a boring plot, bad acting, and an awful script, I might say:

The Last Airbender was a terrible film!

but I'd be unlikely to say:

The Last Airbender was a nasty film!

When talking about movies, the word nasty would be reserved for something that was disgusting for some reason. So, I might say:

Saw IV was a nasty film. Too much violence and gore for my tastes.

People often find ways to stretch words like these beyond their normal usages. For example, if a pitcher throws a nasty pitch, it means the pitch was hard to hit. Most pitchers would consider it a compliment, though it's hard to find much complimentary language in the word's definition. Here's a scouting report where the word was used in this fashion:

He posted a 2.49 ERA that season and struck out nearly 10 batters per nine but struggled with control, which led to him walking more than half as many as he K’d. When he was assigned to the High-A Dunedin Blue Jays to start 2013, the hope was he would take strides to clean up his control by learning to harness his nasty stuff.

He was basically unhittable the first six weeks of the season and was holding opponents to a .166 batting average (and 9.5% walk rate)

We can't substitute terrible or horrible into that context, because baseball pundits don't use those words to describe hard-to-hit baseballs in a complimentary fashion.

There are other differences as well, but they probably can't all be listed exhaustively here. Learning when two words can be swapped requires experience, or else careful study of the various definitions of the word in dictionaries, where you can pick up on the subtle nuances of each. Wordnik is a great place to start, as it uses definitions from a few different dictionaries, and lists some examples usages as well.