Learn English – the difference between “brain” and “mind”


Could someone please explain the contextual difference of this two words? If I for instance say:

I am using my brain to decide in what direction to move.


I am using my mind to decide in what direction to move.

what would be the difference between this two phrases?

Best Answer

"Mind" refers to the part of you that is capable of thought. "Brain" can be a synonym for mind, and it can also refer to the physical organ within your skull. That is, the "brain" is a physical organ while "mind" is a more philosophical concept.

People sometimes make a careful distinction between the two words when discussing the philosophical concept. Like, when people are debating whether there is such a thing as an immortal soul, they will say things like, "Can the mind exist without the brain?"

In most day-to-day contexts, like your example above, the two words are pretty much synonymous.