Learn English – the origin of the culinary term “escabeche”


What is the origin of the culinary term or dish "escabeche"

Best Answer

Escabeche is from Persian al-sikbaj

The origin of the word escabeche is Persian, and was brought to Spain by the Arabs during the Moorish conquests. The word derives from al-sikbaj, the name of a popular meat dish cooked in a sweet and sour sauce, usually vinegar and honey or date molasses.

The LA Times blog Forklore: The roots of escabeche:

Sikbaj is a Persian word meaning "vinegar stew," and most medieval recipes describe it as lamb stewed with vinegar and spices.

This one makes for a good read.

And then, Ichthyology thinks:

The word is Spanish in origin or possible from the Farsi sikbag meaning acid food

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