Learn English – The Present Perfect Progressive with the modal verb “must.”


I do not know how would it be correctly to use the Modal Verb Must in the meaning of supposition in the Present Perfect Progressive?

For example:
1) He must be sitting there already two hours.
2) He must have been sitting there alredy two hours.

The Present Perfect Progressive expresses that the action began before the moment of speaking but it's still in progress.

3) Is it correct to say alredy for two hours?

Please could you point out other my mistakes if i did in the questuion?

Best Answer

These versions seem normal to me (native English speaker):

He must have been sitting there for two hours already

He must already have been sitting there for two hours

He must have been sitting there for two hours by now

The position of "already " is important to sound idiomatic. The version in the question sounds "wrong " to me mainly for this reason, not because of the verb forms used.