Word Choice – Suitable Word for ‘Granted’ Loan, ‘Allotted’ Loan, or ‘Provided’ Loan


Imagine this situation: the minister of a state announces, "from the next month onwards, all the employees of the Municipality can avail education loans for their children from any of the government banks." (He announces this on behalf of the government)

'education loan' is something that the employees avail only when they need money for their children's education. So, even if the government makes the announcement in 2017, the employees might not use it immediately. They would use it only when their children grow up and need that money(say sometime in 2019 or later, when their children got admission in any college).

so, If I am a reporter asking the municipality employees, how should I frame the following sentence?

  • Has the Government sanctioned education loans for your children?
  • Has the Government granted you the education loans for your children?

Is there any better word?

I think we use the word 'sanction' only after we apply for the loan in any bank and the bank approves it, but not when the govt. passes an order about it.

please help.

Best Answer


to make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation (a law, decree of a court, etc.).

To say "The Government promulgated education loans for the children of government workers" means that the government has formally proclaimed the loans or has put a loan apparatus into place.

(You would not say the government has granted educational loans: this would imply that the contracts are already in place.)

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