Learn English – the word that de­scribes the hu­man fe­male breast’s shape


Phal­lic is fairly com­mon. Yonic, vul­vic, or labial were sug­gested as an­to­nyms.

What is the word to de­scribe the breast’s shape?

We cover up three ar­eas: the male groin, the fe­male groin, and the fe­male chest. Why are there spe­cial words for the first two but not the last one?

Best Answer

Mammillar and Mamillary are (apparently) used to refer to things that are breast or nipple shaped (but are not breasts or nipples).

The non-OED Oxford dictionaries (for mammillary):

Shaped like or resembling a breast or nipple

The free dictionary (for mammillar):

(Biology) resembling a breast or nipple