Learn English – To forcefully do something you’re not supposed to do


What's the correct verb to say to forcefully do something you are not supposed to do or to attempt acts in the attitude of 'just go for it'? Here, "forcefully" does not necessarily mean physical force. E.g.

  • You push a pin into a plug, the plug does not fit, so you ____ and push it harder than you should, possibly deforming the pin in the process
  • There is a traffic jam ahead. You ____ and switch to a different lane to continue the journey. There is enough space, but the markings on the road say you cannot switch lanes there.
  • Someone asks you to perform a difficult piece at a concert. You promise to perform despite being well aware that the piece is beyond your ability and you're ____-ing, hoping that perhaps you have practiced hard enough and the audience will not notice.

The important elements in those examples are:

  1. You are well aware that the act is against the odds
  2. You are well aware you are not supposed to act like that (i.e. an alternative solution with a lower risk exists, but it's likely more complicated and you're lazy)

Note that the outcome of the attempt is uncertain. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you fail.

For those who know Cantonese, it's "格硬黎".

Thanks everyone for their suggestions. Unfortunately I cannot give credit to multiple answers, but many of them are good:

  • force
  • brute-force
  • put a square peg into a round hole
  • just fake it
  • brash

Improvise doesn't really fit – the action may be well planned but still against the odds.

Best Answer


To act in a devil-may-care manner.

a very casual attitude; a worry free or carefree attitude

To act in a like a bull in a china shop

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - Page 181 2008 - like a bull in a china shop If someone is like a bull in a china shop, they are very careless in the way that they move or behave


go for broke

letting it fly


taking a chance

try to crash through the soup

shoot the works

hazard all


take a flier

(both of finance) speculate, sell short

go out on a limb

play fast and loose

stick one's neck out

take a shot (or stab) in the dark

tempt fate (or fortune)

trust to chance

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