Learn English – verb of ‘remediation’ (no such thing as ‘remediated’)


As in the sentence:

The pill, in combination with a lot of water, remediated the [effects of the] alcohol.

I know there's no such word, only remediation, but I wish it was a word, because it sounds right to me. remedied/weakened/reversed/lessened don't seem as fitting; maybe I'm just attached to the idea of this imaginary word.

Your thoughts? Thanks.

Best Answer

The OED reports that the verb "remediate", meaning to remedy and a back formation of "remediation", has been with us since 1969. Here's an example from 1976 in Rehabilitation of the Handicapped Programs, 1976: Hearings [before the US Sentate]:

An Impairment can only be alleviated or remediated through devices or medical care. A disability can be remediated through training, devices or medical care. A handicapping condition, on the other hand, can be remediated through changes in the environment, training of the person, or both.