Learn English – What do you call a house with a yard


Is there a word in English, no matter from which origin e.g. French, Latin, etc., to describe a house that has a yard area? Or do we just have to say house/home with a yard?
Update: By house, I mean an average apartment (flat) with bedrooms, sitting room, bathroom and a kitchen. I am, however, not sure if that's the way house is used colloquially. In fact I am translating a non-English text that reads "houses with yards" into English. That's why I came up with the question.
Update 2: In response to @mitch, text of origin is [in Persian]: 
اگرچه خانه های حیاط دار از نظر اقلیمی هنوز در بسیاری از نقاط دنیا قابل قبول اند، ولی در حال تبدیل به اشکال دیگری هستند.

And Google Translate gives:
The courtyard houses of the climate in many parts of the world have been acceptable, but are converted into other forms.

As in Google's sentence courtyard house seems reasonable. Doesn't it?

Best Answer

This depends a lot on where you are. In North America, it's assumed that a house is free-standing and has a yard.

In the UK, however, I don't think that's necessarily the case, since I've been told that "house" means row-house.