Learn English – What do you call a person who has had sex reassignment surgery


OK, if a man or woman has changed their gender through surgery, what should we call them?

Can we call them transgender people?

According to Google, transgender (adj) means "denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender." Source

So, in that case, transgender does not tell us whether that person transformed his or her sex through surgery or not? Maybe he or she was born without his or her gender identified.

Best Answer

transgender is an umbrella term that refers to anybody who has a gender identity different to their at-birth sex, regardless of whether they have had sex reassignment surgery or not.

transsexual refers to somebody who has had sex reassignment surgery.

Transgender people will typically refer to themselves as the gender they identify with.

For example a person that has male genitalia but identifies as a woman, will introduce themselves as a transgender woman.

For further clarity transsexuals might prefix with a 'male-to-female' or 'mtf'. eg. 'I'm a male-to-female transsexual woman'.

Here's some more information here: http://www.diffen.com/difference/Transgender_vs_Transsexual

To answer your specific questions:

  1. People who have had sex reassignment surgery are transgender. People who have not had sex reassignment surgery are also transgender.

  2. If someone identifies as transgender, they are providing no clue as to whether they have had sex reassignment surgery or not.

  3. You can refer to someone that has had sex reassignment surgery as transsexual.