Learn English – What do you call people who have been invited to an event


I am looking for a word to describe people who have been invited to an event (let's say a wedding or party). When addressing the person, how should they be addressed?

Dear, _________. We are excited to extend to you…

I have considered Invited Guest, but this suggests with the word "guest" that they will be attending. Is the best term Invitee? It sound's strange when used in a sentence. Is there a better word to use?

More information:
To better explain… I have created a website where people can RSVP to my event. Only people who have received an invitation should know about the website. I do not know the name of the visitor, but wish to address them in a short personal letter.

Best Answer

How about Dear Friend?


: a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter. Random House

: (used as a polite form of address or in ironic reference) an acquaintance or a stranger one comes across. OED