Learn English – What does “do a take 5” mean


The context is “We will always do a TAKE 5 prior to undertaking work”. I have no idea what a “take 5” is. I searched “take 5” on Google but I didn’t find an applicable explanation.

Here is the context of the line:

  • We will never compromise safety
  • We will always wear PPE
  • We will always do a TAKE 5 prior to undertaking work
  • We will be drug and alcohol free
  • We will report all incidents and near hits

Best Answer

I Googled the phrase "do a TAKE 5" and the first result I got was with respect to safety training.

It pertains to making a risk assessment of the area:

  1. Stop, step back and think
  2. Identifying the Hazard(s)
  3. Assess the level of Risk
  4. Control the Hazard(s)
  5. Proceed safely

So "doing a take 5 prior to undertaking work" would mean doing a risk assessment before undertaking work.

This makes more sense than taking a five minute break, which would be expressed as "We always take five before starting work.", and never "do a take five" which sounds very unidiomatic with respect to break taking.

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