Learn English – What does “go pop” mean


Here's an excerpt that I read:

"This is my stop. Got to get off. I may go pop. Excuse me, excuse me"

What does "go pop" mean in this context?

Best Answer

"Go pop" could mean many different things. We'd really need a little more context. However, it sounds like the speaker is on a bus or commuter train and is anxious to get to the door through the crowd, or else s/he may "go pop." It probably means something like "explode" or "give out" but it is clearly meant metaphorically (I'm at the end of my tether, I can't take any more, if I don't get out of here I won't be accountable for my actions... ).

It could come from the sound of a cork coming out of a bottle of champagne (see the first noun definition on this page).

It could also come from the song Pop Goes the Weasel:

Half a pound of tuppenny rice,
Half a pound of treacle.
That’s the way the money goes,
Pop! goes the weasel.

But according to the Wikipedia page at least, it's never been clear exactly what "pop" means in the song.