Learn English – What does the phrase “fall foul of ” come from


As The Merriam Dictionary says it means to to get into trouble because of failing to do what is required by (the law, a rule, etc.) For example:

After leaving school she fell foul of the law and spent time in jail.

I have been trying to find something on its origin on the internet, but I cannot find anything. To me as a non-native english speaker the phrase sounds so odd that I am desperate to find out its origin.

Best Answer

According to An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English the expression has a nautical origin meaning become entangled.

When one ship impedes the progress of another; it falls foul of it. A foul anchor is when its own rope becomes entangled with itself.

and the AHD lists the following meanings:

fall foul/afoul:

  1. Nautical To collide. Used of vessels.
  2. To clash: fell foul of the law.

From the following sense of foul:

Meaning "become entangled" (chiefly nautical) is from 1832, probably from foul (adj.) in the sense "obstructed by anything fixed or attached" (late 15c.).
