Learn English – What’s a good word to describe a public place that looks like it wouldn’t be rough


I'm looking for a word that I can use in my writings to describe a bar / pub that doesn't look like it would be a 'rough' place, i.e. one that isn't likely to instigate trouble. I was thinking of the word self-effacing but I think maybe that would be more descriptive of a person rather than a building. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Example usage would be:

"Maybe I'll go in here. It seems _______ enough."

Thank you!

Best Answer


Maybe I'll go in here. It seems decent enough.

"It seems decent enough"--11,000 Google results referring to various places and things, tangible and intangible, with more than one applicable meaning (see link above to ODO).

Locally, a fairly decent place would be used to describe a place that is somewhat modest but appropriate, i.e., fairly clean, moral, safe, etc. (US, SE Region).

As an alternative--low-key--a more youthful, less judgmental word, I think.