Learn English – What’s the difference between “dove” and “pigeon,” if any


They direct to the same Wikipedia page which suggests doves are more often slightly smaller but indicates a lack of consistent difference. I had thought there was a stronger distinction…but does anybody here have sources/views on any difference (or equivalence) that may exist between the terms?

Best Answer

Pigeons and Doves are Columbidae of the Columbiformes. Because 'pigeon' and 'dove' are common, not scientific names, which term may be chosen is somewhat variable and interchangable locally and regionally. For example, what is commonly called a 'rock dove' in one area may be called a 'pigeon' in another, or by a different speaker in the same area.

See the Tree of Life page for a fairly exhaustive species listing including in parentheses after the scientific name common names with (frequently) either 'pigeon' or 'dove' attached. Some of the names are linked to photos and descriptions.

The difference between 'pigeons' and 'doves' is, generally, and noting that common usage may not always observe the distinction, what you mentioned: doves are slightly smaller and have pointed tails; pigeons are slightly larger and have rounded tails. In common usage, again, the distinction is also felt to be that pigeons are urban, doves wild; doves are thought to be white, pigeons grey; doves are thought of more as symbols of peace, gentleness and prosperity, while pigeons are thought of more often as flying rats.