Learn English – Why are knobs called “pots” by some sound designers


I was recently introduced to the term "pots" to mean "dials" or "knobs" in the field of sound design and audio engineering. (It rather took me by surprise; I had no idea what the sound designer was talking about, until it was explained to me.)

Later, I looked the term up, and found – well, not much. The dictionaries and thesauri available to me didn't contain this particular meaning of the word. I was able to find the term used in a few forum posts, but what I really wanted to know was how the term came to be used at all.

So, I ask: What is the origin of "pots" as a word meaning "dials?" Is it derived from the other meanings of the word? Is it a loanword from some other language? Was it coined from a long-forgotten acronym? I can't help but be curious.

Best Answer

Pot is short for "potentiometer". It's the doodad behind the panel, connected to the knob, that divides the voltage ("potential") between two ends of an element. It does not mean knob, nor does it mean dial. Loosely also used to refer to a rheostat, which is an adjustable resistance rather than two resistances that are used to divide voltage.