Learn English – Word for consciously doing something without knowing that it is already a thing


I'm looking for a single word, possibly ending in "-consciously", that represents doing something socially common that you were not aware had a name or a greater context.

For example, many people have played Huckle buckle beanstalk (the hotter or colder finding things game) without knowing the name or thinking that it is even considered a game.

Someone learning the term for the first time might say "I've subconsciously played that game with my friends for years." But that's not quite right since they were consciously engaging in the activity, they just didn't know it was a proper game.

Is there a word that can replace subconsciously?

(I know that something like "I've never heard that term but I've been playing that with my friends for years" would also work, but I feel it could be shorter.)

Best Answer

I thought of unknowingly when I read your post.

From The Free Dictionary:

unknowingly - without knowledge or intention; "he unwittingly deleted the references"

Synonyms: inadvertently, unwittingly