Learn English – Word for “software with a large size”


In Portuguese, we use "software pesado", which translates to "heavy software", but it doesn't sound right.

How can I say: "this software has a large size"? When its size is over many gigabytes for example.

Is there an adjective for this in English? What are some common ways of describing software size?

Best Answer

You can use bloated as a somewhat loaded term which is also a bit ambiguous: it may indicate software which takes up a lot of disk space, is memory-hungry, and/or works slowly. It may also suggest there are too many features or that they are cumbersome to use.

More technical (and also more specific) terms include: software with a big disk (or memory etc.) footprint and resource-intensive software. On a more generic note, you can say the software is demanding (though without any context, it may not be clear if it's demanding of the computing resources or of the user).