Learn English – Word for stupid and happy


Is there a formal a word or phrase that refers to or describes a blissful yet idiotic person? Preferably a one word way to say "stupidly happy", but I'm open to idioms as well.

For example, a word that describes the kind of person who would ask "Why don't homeless people just buy themselves a house?" Someone who is always carefree, and cannot comprehend the concept of stress or difficulty.

I specifically want to describe a fat and wealthy British gentleman from the 1800s. Google was not helpful, it only yielded slang and references to a movie from 2014.

Best Answer

One phrase to consider might be blissfully ignorant. It doesn't necessarily imply that the person is always "happy", but it describes a person who is content to be unaware of the unpleasant realities of a given situation.

(Edit: I know this is not a single word answer; the original question asked for a word or phrase.)