Learn English – word/ phrase to describe somebody who has devoted their life to practising something but is still not very good at it


I need a word/phrase/idiom (either adjective or noun) to describe somebody who has devoted their life to practising something but is still not very good at it.


Look at Uncle, practised music all his life and still not very good at it: he is __________ (adjective) or he is a _________ (noun)

Please note that the person has shown great interest and committment over a lifetime but possibly lacked the special skill or talent required to really excel at their chosen field.

Note 2: failure, misfit, disappointment, ordinary, poor and mediocre are not a good fit for the word I am seeking, but the case of mediocre professional musicians was the sad reality that prompted my question.

Best Answer

I'd suggest Manqué, a somewhat uncommon term borrowed from French. Wikipedia describes it thus:

Manqué (feminine, manquée) is a term used in reference to a person who has failed to live up to a specific expectation or ambition. It is usually used in combination with a profession: for example, a career civil servant with political prowess who nonetheless never attained political office might be described as a "politician manqué". It can also be used relative to a specific role model; a second-rate method actor might be referred to as a "Marlon Brando manqué".