Learn English – Word request: awareness of one’s own lack of awareness


This word is related to the Socratic paradox, which is the phrase "I know that I know nothing."

I'm looking for a word which describes the extent to which one is aware of one's own ignorance. A techno mumbo jumbo, unsexy way to say this would be one's "Dunning-Kruger index", where, for example, the higher your index, the more ignorant you are of your own adequacy.

I feel like there exists a French or German sounding word which I can use here. Kind of like "naivete", except this word would describe the extent to which one is aware of one's own naivete.

Best Answer

In a word, wisdom. I think the phrase that best captures the idea is, "You don't know what you don't know." This, to me, expresses the vastness of ignorance and possible unintended consequences.

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