Learn English – Word to describe something as inadequately small in comparison


I'm looking for a word that would describe y as being 'pale in comparison' to x.

So an example is a fantasy story where X and Y receive special powers from their gods, with X gaining a full body transformation while Y only has their weapon enchanted. Then X says to Y:

"Now this… is a blessing… that… is [insert word here]".

Some words I thought of that have similar meaning are:

  • food scraps
  • afterthought
  • leftovers
  • trifling


Am trying to look for something that's more supernatural based. But I'm not looking towards something as extreme as a curse. Something like a minor blessing. I'm willing to accept words that replace blessing with a stronger word e.g. miracle and use blessing as the lesser word.

Best Answer

Consider: measly.

I was just reading Kory Stamper's Word by Word in which she describes her experiences as a lexicographer at Merriam-Webster. She described needing to differentiate "measly" from other types of "small" and provided this footnote:

"Measly" is defined in the Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, as "contemptibly small." Emily Brewster thinks it might be the best definition in the whole book.

"Contemptibly small" does match the meaning implied in the example sentence of the OP question. It also matches the emotional context of "food scraps" and "leftovers." I'm not so sure it matches the "inadequate" criterion in the title.

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