[Ethereum] how to estimate gas cost


I have a function that iterate through an array, which could cost a lot of gas. But I still want to test out the estimate gas cost, then decide if I should maintain the design or not.

function giveAwayDividend(uint amount) onlyOwner payable {
for(uint i=0;i<size();i++){
    customerAddress[i].call.value((balances[customerAddress[i]] * amount * 100) / totalSupply)();

If I test out on testnet, I have to manually create over 1 thousand user account and send each of them some token, which seems stupid. Is there a better way to calculate the gas cost?
For example, if the cost is linear, I could calculate the cost for one customer then multiple by the number of customers. Question is, I dont think its linear, can someone shed some light on this?

Best Answer

Using Truffle and testrpc. It's actually pretty easy to build a development environment and test different use cases.

For the gas estimation, it's mostly based on Web3 native functions:

  1. You can retrieve the gas price (in wei) using web3.eth.getGasPrice

  2. The function estimateGas will give the gas estimation for a function (with the parameters passed)

  3. Multiply number of gas by gas price to get the gas cost estimation.

For example

var TestContract = artifacts.require("./Test.sol");

// Run unit tests to populate my contract
// ...
// ...

// getGasPrice returns the gas price on the current network
TestContract.web3.eth.getGasPrice(function(error, result){ 
    var gasPrice = Number(result);
    console.log("Gas Price is " + gasPrice + " wei"); // "10000000000000"

    // Get Contract instance
    TestContract.deployed().then(function(instance) {

        // Use the keyword 'estimateGas' after the function name to get the gas estimation for this particular function 
        return instance.giveAwayDividend.estimateGas(1);

    }).then(function(result) {
        var gas = Number(result);

        console.log("gas estimation = " + gas + " units");
        console.log("gas cost estimation = " + (gas * gasPrice) + " wei");
        console.log("gas cost estimation = " + TestContract.web3.fromWei((gas * gasPrice), 'ether') + " ether");

Result in my case (private network):

> truffle test
Using network 'test'.

Compiling .\contracts\Migrations.sol...
Compiling .\contracts\Test.sol...

Gas Price is 20000000000 wei
gas estimation = 26794 units
gas cost estimation = 535880000000000 wei
gas cost estimation = 0.00053588 ether
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