[Ethereum] retrieving web3 contract.ownerOf NFT ERC721


I'm playing around with web3 and frontend trying to read something off the ethereum blockchain. What i wanted to do is to verify the owner of a NFT (erc721).

I've used this piece of code here that enable me to check the balanceOf a certain ERC20 linked to the connected wallet address

  function getERC20TokenBalance(tokenAddress, walletAddress, callback) {

  let minABI = [
    // balanceOf
    // decimals

  let contract = web3.eth.contract(minABI).at(tokenAddress);
  contract.balanceOf(walletAddress, (error, balance) => {
    // ERC20トークンの decimals を取得
    contract.decimals((error, decimals) => {
      balance = balance.div(10**decimals);

setInterval(function() {
  let tokenAddress = '0x50f5474724e0ee42d9a4e711ccfb275809fd6d4a';
    let walletAddress = web3.eth.accounts[0];
          if(tokenAddress != "" && walletAddress != "") {
        getERC20TokenBalance(tokenAddress, walletAddress, (balance) => {
          document.getElementById('text-bal').innerText = balance.toFixed(3);
        }, 100);

now i would like to verify a certain NFT, which i used 0x50f5474724e0ee42d9a4e711ccfb275809fd6d4a (a SANDBOX land contract). With balanceOf, it does show me this address has LAND NFT in it, but i wanted to check for the tokenID, by changing it to

let contract = web3.eth.contract(minABI).at(tokenAddress);

it returns nothing, can you guys point me to the right direction 🙂 ?

Best Answer

Better late than never!

This is how I'm checking for the owner of an NFT in my dApp

async whoOwnThisToken(tokenId) {
    const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);
    // Don't forget to use await and .call()
    const owner = await contract.methods.ownerOf(tokenId).call();
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