Web3js Events – How to Resolve myContract.getPastEvents(“allEvents”) Returns Empty Array?


I want to get all past events from a contract I deployed on the Ropsten network.

Contract is:

pragma solidity ^0.5.1;

contract SampleContract {
    uint storageData;

    event MamboNumberTwo(uint _value);
    event MamboNumberFive(uint _value);
    event MamboNumberString(string _value);

    function test(uint x, uint y, string memory s) public {
        emit MamboNumberTwo(x);
        emit MamboNumberFive(y);
        emit MamboNumberString(s);

It is deployed at 0xdd73A24Ef263D9bed42b0db60607F915194A7fbF, as you can see this contract has emitted nine events so far.
I would like to get them using web3's myContract.getPastEvents("allEvents"), but this returns a Promise resolving in an empty array, as though no event was emitted yet.

Full code:

web3 = new Web3(...) // Connect to Ropsten node via Websocket
var contract = new web3.eth.Contract([...], "0xdd73A24Ef263D9bed42b0db60607F915194A7fbF");

Any ideas? Thanks!

Best Answer

Add a filter to the call with fromblock > 0:

contract.getPastEvents("allEvents", { fromBlock: 1}).then(console.log);