Why geth fast sync or light sync does not get the latest highest block


I am running geth "light" mode: geth –syncmode "fast" console. I have the following problem. The highest block is always be 13773036, which is created at 3 days ago:

  currentBlock: 13125823,
  highestBlock: 13773036,
  knownStates: 0,
  pulledStates: 0,
  startingBlock: 13008895

While I am writing this question, the highest block on etherscan is already 13794774. https://etherscan.io/block/13794774. Why my geth doesn't get the latest highest block?

I also tried the geth in "fast" mode: geth –syncmode "fast" console. But it is still at the same highest block 13773036. Could anyone help on this issue?


It is probably reaching block 13773036 now, and it shows:

> web3.eth.syncing
> web3.eth.blockNumber

The current log is:

INFO [12-13|04:49:39.556] Looking for peers                        peercount=0 tried=1 static=0
INFO [12-13|04:50:05.201] Looking for peers                        peercount=0 tried=0 static=0
INFO [12-13|04:50:29.195] Looking for peers                        peercount=0 tried=1 static=0
INFO [12-13|04:50:40.204] Looking for peers                        peercount=0 tried=0 static=0
INFO [12-13|04:51:07.542] Looking for peers                        peercount=0 tried=0 static=0

Best Answer

I faced exactly the same problem (last block 13773036). The solution was to update the geth to the latest version.