AC:R Multiplayer: how do some high level players re-use abilities so fast


In AC:B you unlocked improvements to your powers by unlocking challenges. In AC:R you can craft abilities once you're level 30 instead.

However some high level players (prestiged at least once I think) seem to be able to use smoke bombs insanely fast – I've been smoked twice in less than 30 seconds by the same player several times. This is significantly quicker than I can craft.

Do you get additional crafting options once you prestige?

Am I missing some combination of perks that gives you the ability again in less than 30 seconds?

Best Answer

Overall Cooldowns (lvl 40) takes 10 seconds off all your cooldown timers, so one could drop a smoke bomb every 50 seconds if they pick that perk. If someone spends time crafting their abilities (at 80 Abstergo Credits a pop) they could reduce the default cooldown on Smoke Bomb to 45 seconds, so if you add in the perk one could conceivably get their cooldown on smoke bombs down to 35 seconds.