Using the Courtesan in multiplayer on PC


For a long time since I've been playing, I had the feeling that the Courtesan was just not a selectable character in multiplayer on the PC. I know that console players have been able to choose her but it never seemed like PC players were able to. Some people say that you need to be at level 50 so she would be unlocked — I think they're talking about Brotherhood. But I've seen videos of people less than 50 and were playing as Courtesan and I've already gotten past level 50 once and am currently at level 40 — working my way to prestige — and I have yet to be able to choose her. She doesn't even appear in the roster as unlockable. What gives? I've seen similar questions on the net, all not really having a right answer as they answer from a console player's perspective.

Now, I've seen a player online and they were using the Cortesan! They've prestiged once already (at level 48 and about to prestige again) so I'm guessing I must prestige once before she's available? Or maybe it's just a coincidence since the first DLC has been out and she's a bonus?

Can anyone verify if this is true or know exactly when she may be used on PC?

Best Answer

She can only be unlocked if you have:

  1. Played Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  2. Linked your UPlay account for both games to the same account

From the wiki:

"The Courtesan can only be unlocked in Assassins Creed: Revelations if you have played Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood."