Actual Effect of Taking a Blacksmithing Potion


There are three Blacksmithing potions in the Reckoning:

Minor Blacksmith's Craft
Greater Blacksmith's Craft
Master Blacksmith's Craft

And so far I have been using them in this way:

  1. Swig a blacksmithing potion
  2. Craft as many items as I can

But do these potions make the items I craft better? In what ways?

All the tooltip on the potion says is "+3 blacksmithing". Does that mean the only benefit is that I can scrap higher quality gear? Or will my crafted items be better?

Does taking one of these potions make any difference if my blacksmithing is already maxed out at 10?

Best Answer

No, I don't think there is a benefit once you max your skill in an area to taking a skill potion. At least I don't recall one when taking a potion that pushed me over my max for a skill.

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