Are PC games and expansion packs region locked


Title pretty much says it. If I have the US version of a game (physical disc media, not Games for Windows edition or Steam download) and get a UK edition of an expansion pack, will they work? Additionally, if I have the UK version, can I play against friends who have the US edition on a local network?

The specific question is regarding the Battle for Middle-Earth and the Rise of the Witch-King expansion pack, which are older games from 2006.

Best Answer

PC games in general are not region locked, as there is no native region locking mechanism for PCs. There are instances where online based games (for example World of Warcraft) are essentially region locked, in that specific versions of the game can only connect to servers located in specific regions (for example, EU game client can only log into EU game servers).

In the instance of LoTR: Battle for Middle-Earth/Rise of the Witch-King, the Electronic Arts website does not indicate any kind of region restrictions, the game is available as a digital download and does not appear to be restricted to particular countries.