Are Starships Randomly Generated or Standardized


With the new pathfinder update, ships have been split into four classes: Shuttle, Fighter, Hauler or Explorer.

Do these classes have a standardized set of starships within them or are they randomly generated in each star system? If they are randomized, is the randomization purely cosmetic?


Best Answer

From my experiences, yes, they do have a randomized set of characteristics, based around a central theme.

Is generally boxy, and will have a raised cockpit. With some symmetrical wings, or thrusters. I usually find these in Vy'keen systems.

Is usually based around a central sphere like cockpit and will have odd looking bits attached and will not be symmetrical. Usually a Korvax ship.

Long and flat, usually with two cylinders on each side. Find these most in Gex systems.

Usually a 'pointy' ship, so will be flat, with a pointed cockpit and symmetrical wings.

I think these are randomised, as my ship is just a small sphere with two large vertical fins, and is not classed as any of the above.

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