Are the quests/storyline optional


I do not really like quests.

In SWTOR how much of the storylines/quests do I need to do?

I understand from the beta I had to do a long quest line to unlock the space ship and first companion.

EDIT: I feel I should comment here to explain the reason for the question, because it seems apparent to me that if you ask three people why they play the game, you will get 3 different answers, and I can't understand why people are fighting over which one is correct – THEY ALL ARE.

I play to socialise and to raid. I find it difficult to relate to the storylines of the quests and I do not like the railroading associated with storylines.

Thank you all for information and answers. I have accepted the one I felt was best because that is the way the site works, but I think all the answers are valid and each one taught me something.

Best Answer

You'll need to do your class quests at a minimum if you want to unlock the full compliment of companions, which is important if you want to keep your crew skills up to date. You'll need to do them through at least level 15 or so to get your ship to be able to get to planets other than the starter areas as well.

Questing is also one of the few reliable ways to bring in credits, and at high levels, skill training becomes extremely pricey.

You can play with a minimum of questing, but the hoops you'll end up jumping through may make it not worth doing.