Best armor type for warrior build


I am a level 11 warrior build in Skyrim and I was wondering what armor type I should use… I started out using light armor because I have a shield and I didn't want to be weighed down by heavy armor, but now I know that you can eventually make each armor weigh 0. I was thinking that maybe I should start using heavy armor now and that it would be a better choice in the long run. my light armor is 15 levels higher than my heavy armor now, but I only spent one point in it.

Best Answer

It honestly does not matter. It has been proven many times that any type of armor can actually max out the armor caps with just 1 or 2 perks in their respective armor trees depending on which armor you want to use (maxing out leather or iron takes a bit more perks/enchants than say daedric or dragon).

They really do give you the ability to play any way you want and to remain viable. The link above shows the minimum perks needed to max out each classification of armor so you can pick what you want to look like and aim for that end goal.

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