Melee Combat: Heavy Armor vs. Light Armor


My character is a melee type, and is currently using Light Armor.

Do the perks that light armor provides (extra stamina regen mainly) outweigh the perks and higher armor value that heavy armor provides?

Best Answer

From the looks of things the only differences between the two skill trees are,

  • Tower of Strength (Heavy) 50% less stagger vs Wind Walker (Light) 50% Stamina regen rate
  • Reflect Blows (Heavy) 10% chance reflect dmg vs Deft Movement (Light) 10% chance avoid dmg

I don't know if you reflect 100% of the damage, thus negating it, but I would assume so, otherwise the light armour would be much better in that respect.

Personally I've been stacking Stamina a little to get around this as I use heavy armour, but then again I can tank much more than my follower who is in Elvan armour. Don't forget that you can move quicker and quieter in lighter armour also. I think it's more about your playstyle. Also extra Stamina points increase your carry capacity.