Black Liquid Sorrow


I have noticed that a "BLS 1%" has appeared next to the Save button. It also coincided with a 3% decline in Happiness (196 to 193%), and the sudden appearance of 5 Paragons (see this question), though I had none and have never reset the game.

It's likely a new update, but has anyone looked at the code recently and can shed some light on what this variable does?

Best Answer

BLS is an indicator for how many nerfs your kittens have lived through. The latest change, which added the mechanic, also nerfed compendiums and zebras slightly; it's unclear which one counted here. With the current implementation, you only get one sorrow point even if multiple nerfs have occurred since your last time playing.

BLS doesn't actually have any in-game effect yet, but a guess is that it's been added due to this reddit thread, where it was proposed to give a tiny boost to tear production. We don't know if that is what it will actually end up doing, though.