What do Zebras sell


I just found zebras to trade with.

Attitude: hostile
Buys: slab (50)
Sells: iron (340 - 368)
plate (2 - 3)
titanium (1 - 1)

I don't really get how it works what Zebra's sell.

Do I get Iron, Plate and Titanium for 50 slab(and obviously the gold/catpower)? Or do I only get 1 of the resources, and is that random?

Best Answer

You will get iron every time, and plates 65% of the time. Titanium is even more rare, and also not a fixed chance. Note that the chances are independent; you can get all three at the same time.

The titanium chance is a base 15%, plus another 0.35% per Trade Ship owned. Also, if the zebras hate you for no reason, the titanium chance is skipped entirely.