Borderlands – Making mutations on “Mighty Morphin’” mission


The directions in this quest ("Mighty Morphin'") are really poor. I'm stuck on "injecting pods" at the waypoint area, but there is nothing to interact with. I saw videos online of fighting "mutated badass" varkids, but they aren't in this area, and the varkids in other areas just die. I don't see any pods. What do I need to do to collect this garbage for Hammerlock? (And, specifically, how can I make varkids mutate?)

Best Answer

You need to visit the Varkid Ranch. Shoot a few of the Varkids there and run around a bit, and eventually they will stop and stick their face in the dirt. At this point they will start to form a pod. A big orange sack thing.

Run up to it and press [E] to inject it. Then you can wait and a Badass Mutated Varkid will spawn, you can then kill that and that's it. Just repeat as many times as you need.

NOTE: a Varkid will not mutate into a pod if it's by itself

NOTE: (at least for the XBox 360) if you kill the mutated Varkid and the sample appears, make sure you pick it up. If you do not pick up the sample and save your game, then you will not be able to mutate Varkid in the future, so you will not be able to complete this optional side quest.