Borderlands – n Anarchy equivalent in Borderlands 2


I always carried one Non-elemental gun in Borderlands 1: the Anarchy SMG because of it's insane damage, firing 4 bullets per shot at a high rate of fire, all the while with decent damage per bullet to boot.

I haven't seen much like that in Borderlands 2 except early on I got a Blue SMG with red flavor text, The gun of the Bulls. It fired two bullets per shot, fired quickly and laid down a curtain of fire sort of like an Anarchy but less crazy.

What gun title/flavor text am I looking at for an Anarchy-like SMG? I know there's at least the gun I found, but I don't know how to recognize it. Are there other SMGs with more than one bullet per shot?

Best Answer

I found this in the Wiki under SMG's

Blagaga.: Very large clip and shoots 3 bullets at once.

Special Weapon Effects Borderlands 2 Wiki

So there will be at least one that shoots 3 bullets at once. But I don't know how the gun is named nor where you can obtain it. Referring to this post, that I found, you can obtain it via the slot machines and it will be a orange item.