Borderlands – What are good builds for ‘Brick’


I play borderlands, and currently have a level 55 Brick character.
What are some good builds for Brick, and which builds are the most versatile?

Best Answer

In my experience, rocket launchers are WILDLY underpowered, which means you're better off staying away from them. Brick's berserk mode can be absolutely amazing when you level it up correctly. I'd recommend working down the Brawler and Tank trees almost evenly; the final skills in both trees aren't that amazing, but still good. There are also some good skills in the Blaster tree, as long as you stay away from things that boost rockets only; shotguns and machine guns are your friends.

Here is an example of a Centurion build:

You could pretty easily argue points around a bit depending on your play style, but if you like berserking, you'll have fun with this one.