Borderlands – What area of effect does the Siren skill Ruin have


The description for the Sirens Ruin skill (the last skill of the Cataclysm tree) says "Phaselock now Slags, Electrocutes, and Corrodes all nearby enemies."

I haven't been able to figure out where the "nearby" is exactly, is it enemies near the phaselocked enemy or enemies close to your character? In either case, what is the range for "nearby".

I've tried playing around with it, but can't figure out either of these questions.

Best Answer

It's range is visible - once you have Ruin you'll see coloured tendrils that extend from the phaselock sphere, about the same again as the diameter of the sphere (though that varies by enemy size and the tendrils don't). Anything in that area gets the elemental effect.

Combine with a singularity grenade (slag or electrical to 'soften up') or the Converge skill to own large groups of enemies. Both effects pull enemies close enough for Ruin to hit them.