Can you keep Bethany after Act 1


In Dragon Age 2, is there any way to keep your sister Bethany as a companion in the second and third act?

I took her with me into the Deep Roads and she died. If you leave at home or send her to the circle, will you be able to have her on the team later?

I would really like to keep her because I used her permanently as healer and supporter. Anders can replace her quite good, but to be honest: He is annoying and whiny. 😉

Best Answer

Short answer:


Long answer:

If you bring Anders with you, he will inform you of a Grey Warden party who can save her. You'll still lose her as a party member as she has to leave to undertake The Joining. Whether you do this or leave her at home, she will show up in the endgame and potentially fight with you. Regardless, you lose her as a party member. You'll have to get used to Anders, I'm afraid.

Regarding Carver:

He plays out almost exactly the same (doesn't join the Circle, obviously, he has his own twist). Basically, no matter who your sibling is, you lose them as a party member. This is why they don't have specialized talents.