Civilization – Civ 5 – told I lack iron but have an iron mine


I'm used to playing earlier versions of Civ. Playing Civ 5 and despite having an active iron mine, which is connected to my cities/trade network by roads, I'm told that I can't build any unit which requires iron, although I do already have one legion. Do you literally have to have an iron mine for EVERY SINGLE unit which requires iron?

Best Answer

Do you literally have to have an iron mine for EVERY SINGLE unit which requires iron?

Basically, yes. That's how Civ 5 handles strategic resources.

In Civ 5, strategic resources work like a population cap: The amount of resources dictates how many of a unit you can have at any time. You'll get the resource back once the unit that needs it dies, or changes into a unit that doesn't need the resource.

If you need more resources but don't have any more in your territory, then you can get them from friendly/allied City States, or through trade. Fortunately, there is no penalty if you ever own more units than you have resources. This can happen when a trade agreement ends, or a City State can no longer provide the resource, or you lose a city that controls the resource.

Note that if you receive troops from friendly/allied City States, those will also use up your resources.