Civilization – Second city – a lot of turns for simple production


I am new to Civ games and started straight from 6.

After establishing second city I've noticed that number of turns required to produce a building or unit is huge!

50 turns to produce a Builder.

How to redecue those numbers?

Best Answer

Each building, district, wonder, unit or project has a cost (generally refereed as hammers by their symbol).

To build something your city needs to produce the required hammers. The time to build something therefore is cost in hammers / hammers produced per turn.

There are a lot of ways to influence the hammers your city produces. This is a small list of the most common factors:

  • Tiles around your city (when worked i.e. with a green population symbol on it). Some tiles (like hills) will produce hammers. Some others (like greenland flats) won't
  • Improved tiles. Your Builder units can build Improvements on tiles (like mines) which improve the hammers provided
  • Buildings in your city producing hammers (water mill, workshop, factory, ...)
  • Trade routes you initiated from this city can provide hammers. (This is a good strategy to boost a new city)
  • Some religions and pantheons provide hammers.