Civilization – What’s the best way to increase the rate of research


What's the best way to increase my rate of research in Civilization 5? Is it purely a function of population and buildings, or is there something else I can do to speed it up (especially in the early game)?

Best Answer

There are a number of different ways to boost your research:

  • Great people can be used to immediately complete a tech or build academies
  • Research agreements gain you an extra tech for a fee (starting at 200 gold - see comments). You can have research agreements with multiple players (and it's advantageous to do so, if you have the cash)
  • Many Wonders will increase research (in their city or in other capacities)
  • Buildings like Libraries and Universities increase research, and gain further research bonuses when assigned specialists
  • Policies - most of the Rationalism track improves research, and Scholasticism (under Patronage) grants you research from allied city-states
  • City production can eventually be set so it all goes straight to research