Diablo – Can Treasure Goblins drop legendary items


I have never seen a legendary item drop from a treasure goblin, and am beginning to wonder if it's even possible for them to drop one.

Can Treasure Goblins drop legendary items? And does the type of Treasure Goblin matter?

I have read How do the Treasure Goblins work, however it does not address this question at all in either the question or the answers provided.

Best Answer

Legendary items can be dropped by basically everything that's killable, lootable or that has a red border when moving your cursor over it.

Treasure goblin hunting is actually a popular method of farming legendary items alongside with chests and bosses.

As of now there are no 100% reliable statistics of what drop the most legendary items but I asked a friend of mine with paragon 370 (so I kinda think he knows some things when it comes to farming) and he told me that the most legendaries come from things in this order.

  • Killing a boss for the first time (100%)
  • Small chests
  • Goblins (any type) = Big chests
  • Lootable corpses/Destroyable objects (with red borders)
  • Regular monsters = Killing a boss for the nth time
  • Elite packs (yellow and blue) = Elite bosses

I myself haven't played as much as my friend did but i can say that I see a very similar drop rate when I'm playing.