Diablo – find all the Resplendent Chests


Resplendent Chests only show up in special (randomized?) encounters within certain locations, I think there was one in the Cathedral during the beta. In my experience with them they drop some pretty good loot. What map locations can I look for these encounters and can I do it more than once?

Best Answer


Yes, they are generally at the end of a minidungeon, and yes, there are some along the maps generated in the game, but they are randomly placed, and are not always in the same area. Even in the minidungeons(if there is one, since sometimes there are none) they aren't in the same generated area of the map.

As for hunting for these chests for loot, it is not worth it anymore, as they decided to make Magic Find no longer affect the loot from chests, so better gear dropping is not as likely anymore.

If good armor is what you are looking for, you can find really nice gear for really cheap if you just get gear with 90% of the stats for 2k-20k, instead of the top stats for upwards of 1-25mil.