Diablo – How does Bane of the Trapped stack with Time Warp


The Bane of the Trapped legendary gem has the effect:

Increase damage against enemies under the effects of control-impairing effects by 15.00%.

Per numerous other sources, Slow Time counts as a "control-impairing effect."

The Slow Time: Time Warp rune states the following:

Enemies caught in the bubble of warped time take 15% more damage.

How does this damage bonus combine? Is it additive or multiplicative?

Best Answer

I have seen a thread on Battle.net, attributing the information to some other site. The information can be obsolete, as it seems to date back to 2.0.6.

All buffs are separated into several classes. Buffs in the same class are additive, classes are multiplicative.

Class A : regular buffs/debuffs/skills

  • A1 : Self buffs towards sheet dps - Glass Cannon, Hexing pants, MW, Familiar, BH-SS etc.
  • A2 : Most classical debuffs towards mobs - Strongarms, EE, Cold Blooded etc.
  • A3 : Every skill damage except Hydra - MM%, BH% etc.

Class B : elemental & pets

  • B1 : Elemental damage %
  • B2 : Pet % (MoJ and Enforcer)

Class C : elitist affixes

  • Damage dealt to elites / beasts / demons / humans is increased by %

Class D : Bane of the Trapped

Class E : Zei's Stone of Vengeance

Class F : Audacity

Class G : Hydra damage %

  • Hydra damage - unlike all other skill%, Hydra is not in the buff/debuff class A.

So, your final damage bonus would be

A*B*C*D*E*F*G, A = A1+A2+A3, B = B1+B2

So, in your question BoT is definitely multiplicative with Time Warp (it is with everything), the question is - which other buffs you already have in class A, that would decrease Time Warp's effectiveness. I am playing a Del'Rasha Wizard, so I always have +100% Meteor damage on Nilfur's Boots. Thus, Time Warp adds at most 7.5% to my damage.